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User: sqrrl101 (6035366) sqrrl101 View all userpics
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Adrift in a sea of mediocrity
By Sqrrl101
Name: sqrrl101
Website: Pro-Test
Location: Swindon, England, United Kingdom
Birthdate: 08-10
MSN Username:
Bio: Here we see the elusive Sqrrl. One of only a few left, this one has yet to achieve full maturity, has not found a mate, and most likely never will. The natural environment of these strange creatures is in a darkened room, a basement for preference, although under-stair cupboards, garages and bedrooms are all acceptable. The Sqrrl is well known for its dislike of natural light, having severe a dermatological reactions to UV radiation. As such, it is a noctournal animal in general, although will brave the sun if food or other supplies are required. A hunter-gatherer by nature, the Sqrrl is a patient beast waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and swiftly leaping into the shop to buy some coke. As is normal for any similar creature, the Sqrrl's diet consists primarily of anything with caffeine in, backed up by microwavable foods, noodles and popsicles. As with its sleep patterns, the Sqrrl's eating habits are erratic. Often, it will eat nothing for days, and then gorge itself on a feast of processed goods, before once again returning to its lair.
As already mentioned, this Sqrrl is currently without partner. Little is known about the mating behaviour of the Sqrrl, and it is suspected by many scientists that Sqrrls are without hope, thanks to their possession of the "just friends" gene. In its natural environment, it will spend almost all of its waking time using the nearest computer, reading or gaming, as the Sqrrl has a strong aptitude for technology and academic subjects. When captured, the Sqrrl has a propensity to be quickly angered and refuse to work unless the task presented offers very much interest to it.
Memories: 2 entries
Interests: 9: dnd, firearms, gaming, girls, internet, my computer, pr0n, rpgs, science. [Modify yours]
People 28: alffarr, almighty_ethong,, aramyl, binflaggle, dayfox, dtmx, eleri_cat, iamthepimpkin, ijgrieve, incubai, java_monkey, jephimykes, lozziexx, lufe_waf, malkavianx, malvino, mangoflush, niamahnyx, nikpmip, oskizo, oxfordfemme, poolybit, queeniesposh, sokth, strange_em13, thiefunseen, xcupidxstuntx
Mutual Friends: 26: almighty_ethong, ext_820, aramyl, binflaggle, dayfox, dtmx, eleri_cat, ijgrieve, incubai, java_monkey, jephimykes, lozziexx, lufe_waf, malkavianx, malvino, mangoflush, niamahnyx, nikpmip, oskizo, oxfordfemme, poolybit, queeniesposh, sokth, strange_em13, thiefunseen, xcupidxstuntx
Also Friend of: 1: aliiyn
Member of: 1: geekcommunit101
Account type: Free Account

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